• The Ojas treatment is an environmental network procedure. The investigation and measuring of the positive energies active in the place to treat is the first step for the Ojas practitioner. This can usually take a few hours up to a few days for larger commercial sites. We need to know the actual energetic situation active in that place. Only an Ojas consultant successfully trained in energetic building biology by the International Ojas Academy has the competence to measure and make an energetic assessment based on the 5 harmonies quality standard. The second step is to apply the Ojas devices in the place to be harmonised.
  • This creates immediately a circulation of the harmonious energies, a sympathetic resonance force able to strengthen all the frames or physical structure. The third step is the calibration and the adjustment of the accuracy of all the levels of Ojas harmonies until we reach the final ideal level of unification of environmental energies. At that point the treatment is complete and people describe a strong feeling of interconnectedness and fresh wind-like spreading vibrations previously blocked in the place. The Ojas energy moves where it is mostly needed, it is like a mother energy undifferentiated that moves coherently into the various patterns and frames of the building operating like a balancing factor that repair the energetic deficiency. 

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