
Everything starts within us. When we go deep within we come closer to the Source of all life, and we become aware of how different qualities act in and through us. From our deeper awareness, we also perceive aspects and qualities of our surroundings and our lives more clearly. Our growing awareness allows us to change some aspects of our environment: A congested territory troubles our health, or a territory emanating higher harmonies makes us feel well. In this way, we can say that our consciousness changes our environment, and the environment in turn influences our lives. When we bring our environment into greater harmony, we set positive forces in motion that carry into every part of our life. The World Health Organisation defines health not as the absence of disease, but as “the state of complete physical, vital, mental and social wellbeing”. The maintenance and the development of our life force or life energy is one of the true sources of preventative health care. By engaging daily in positive conscious-directed energy we awaken the life force. We bring a higher light into our body, vital, mind, heart, soul and our social existence. Our inner and outer family is illumined. When higher light enters our system, existing conflicts, which have been dormant inside us for a long time, come to the surface and are illumined through true healing in a process of harmonisation and transformation. Sincere meditation and quiet concentration still our minds and bring clarity of thoughts and intent. Together with daily physical exercise, moving around in a surrounding field of pure and flowing life-energy, eating a plant-based diet and drinking energised water, our inner and outer existence is strengthened every day. These are all necessary actions in our daily striving for health. In preventative health care, wellbeing is a holistic approach, not an end result! Maintaining a balance among our many levels of reality takes practice and dedication. The Ojas energy has not the pretentiousness to claim that its is the solution for humanity's problems, but for sure it is a humble, pure and effective approach that will help the improvement of good life energy as a starting point for further personal and common spiritual development in every human being.

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